
Monday, August 7, 2017

Why Do Feminists Protect Rape Victims Better Than Conservative Christians?

It's interesting that secular feminists are like, "No means no," but the Christian patriarchal people who "protect their women" have a bunch of excuses for why it's not really rape.

"If she didn't scream," when a lot of women and others freeze up in danger.
"If she wasn't modest," like it never gets hot outside, or as if modesty were not a different thing in everyone's mind. Or as if "wanting attention" means wanting to be brutally violated.

(In a system in which we all deserve hell--which means these "righteous men" deserve to be raped also.)

"If she didn't fight him off," which basically means if she didn't die fighting him off. Which actually didn't happen in the biblical story of Tamara, where it explicitly says that it's a rape! And also the story of Dinah.

They "protect their women," but they really don't!

They think, in most cases, that being raped means that she didn't DESERVE to be protected from rape. What other crime do we treat that way?

As if bad things never happened to good people. They never see themselves as deserving of bad or terrible things.

There was a Republican senator--I don't want to search for his name and relive it, look up the story if you wish--who said that having sex with a woman in her sleep was not rape. If I want to wait until marriage to have sex, I have to never sleep!
(And no, maybe she won't wake up and resist--as if any of these men have ever had to wake up in their bedrooms fighting for their lives. Making she took a sleeping pill for insomnia. That's not consent or a sin.)

Maybe they're afraid that women will have sex and then say it was rape--but isn't the greater danger driving rape victims to silence, self-hatred, and suicide? Don't these "pro-life" people care about women's lives?

And this is saying nothing of male rape victims, or lesbian rape victims. (From their partners, or "corrective rape," designed to make them straight. Yeah, nothing like trauma to be a turn-on.) Or the fact that most rapes are committed by someone the victim knows and trusts. Someone she doesn't think would ever do that to her. Who would suspect all of their friends and family (and pastors), all of the time?

What in their pasts are these men trying to justify?

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