
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Minimalism And Buying: The Rule of Immediate Consumption

This first appeared on my old blog, Atheist Journeys. 

Right after the shooting at my school, Umpqua Community College, I coped with the shock of it by getting rid of an enormous amount of things, and adopting two new kittens. I would highly recommend The Kitten Method to anyone going through grief or shock. I still love my babies, Little Ernesto and Lulu Applesnoo.
I got rid of a lot of things, over the years, but I also learned how to know what I would love, and what I would get rid of right after buying it. One of the most useful tools I thought of is something I call the Rule of Immediate Consumption.
I ask myself if I would wear, eat, or use the item right this minute, if I could. If I didn't like the shade of nail polish enough to wear it that night, I probably wouldn't wear it eventually. If I didn't like that shirt enough to wear it the next time I went out, it was not going to be one of my favorites.
This made me feel good, to have a clear way to know what I really like, and what I only half-like. I saved a lot of money, too, and don't have too many half-liked clothes. It's always the stuff you half-like that causes the most problems, that you can't decide about.
I also try to remember my favorite shirt or coat, etc, and think whether I like the item as much as my current favorite. If I don't like it as much, then I won't choose to wear it, anyway, or I'll wear it but wish I was wearing something else.
I don't buy very many clothes anymore, and I don't feel deprived, either.

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